Tag Archives:hobby greenhouse


新手,爱好园丁和商业种植者依靠温室sto protect their plants from pests and the elements to ultimately extend their growing seasons.



Greenhouses vary primarily by shape or construction technique. Below is a list of various structures, along with pros and cons of each.

Conventional/Post-and-Rafter:One of the most common greenhouse structures due to its simple construction, this design is also one of the strongest. The rafter support strengthens the roof, but this also makes it top-heavy. That means the frame must be footed, which increases overall cost.

Pro:简单的设计允许pace and air circulation, particularly along side walls, to be maximized.

Con:More materials required than other designs.

A-Frame:Another typical greenhouse structure, the A-Frame offers both simplicity in design and in materials. Combining the roof and the sidewalls to make a single, triangular structure eliminates the extra materials of the post-and-rafter design.


Con:Space can be an issue. Air circulation can be challenging in the corners.

Gothic Arch:哥特式拱形温室的标志性产品,这种风格的墙壁弯曲在框beplay218架上,以制成尖顶的屋顶。该技术消除了对结构桁架的需求,并且需要更少的建筑材料。



Hoop House:Also known as a Quonset design, this structure is a staple for many commercial growing operations. Built from curved or arched rafters, the hoop houses employ aluminum pipes or PVC pipes to create its form.

Pro:Inexpensive relative to other designs. The shape allows for easy rain and snow runoff.

Con:Design is not as inherently sturdy as other frames.

Lean-To:Usually found in home or hobby gardens, this design is attached to an existing structure, such as the back or sometimes side of a home. Because of its location, it offers easy access to available water, electricity and heat.

Pro:Accessible to power, easy to heat and resistant to wind.


Shade House:对于商业种植者而言,这种设计仅是一种露天结构,具有有时可伸缩的织物屋顶。这允许最大程度地通风,同时保护嫩植物免受直射阳光的影响。

Pro:Not only is this an economical option, but also it helps conserve water- 花了时间浇水。


Have more questions about which greenhouse structure might be right for your gardening needs? Gothic Arch Greenhouses has more than 70 years of experience serving the horticulture industry!

Call us today toll-free at 1-800-531-4769 to talk with one of our representatives or visit our website at www.GothicArchGreenhouses.com.

What to Consider When Buying a Greenhouse

哥特式拱门温室如何购买温室Greenhouses were once the necessity for gardeners growing fragile flowers and plants.

但是,据国家园艺协会称温室sto extend the growing season.


Can the greenhouse extend the growing season?

That’s what greenhouses are made for, but you’ll want to determine whether the greenhouse has features that can adapt to the changing seasons. Greenhouse coverings can help keep it well-insulated in cooler months, and a design that allows for the addition of exhaust fans, base vents or louvered panels that can prevent plants from overheating in higher temperatures.


Can the greenhouse be modified?

Be aware that your gardening hobby may keep growing after you’ve purchased a greenhouse. In that case, you’ll want one that offers space to add more accessories or even one that can be extended to give you even more growing room. Some in the greenhouse supplier industry suggest buying a size bigger than you have planned.



Of course you’ll want a greenhouse that is built to last. Not only must it stand up to outdoor conditions, but also, depending on your local climate, it may have to withstand wind, snow and hail. On the inside, you should also look for a greenhouse constructed of strong, durable materials that are low maintenance or can be easily cleaned.



After you’ve made your greenhouse investment, you’ll want to take care of it so it will yield many years of optimum performance for gardening and enjoyment for your hobby. Take into consideration what is involved in cleaning and maintaining the greenhouse you want. Look for greenhouse materials that don’t scratch, mold or mildew that can help make maintenance that much easier.

Ready to discuss your greenhouse needs? Or do you still have more questions before you make greenhouse purchase?
