Growing Potatoes in February

全年种植土豆 - 2月种植指南

全年增长指南 - 二月

当我们离开一月份的寒意时,日子开始延长。朝春分移动,现在许多美国区域都有足够的每日阳光来开始农作物,而无需使用补充照明。2月标志着大约10个小时的日光回报,是开始全年增长计划的好时机。这个月,我们开始种植土豆和鼠尾草 - 不涉及种子!

土豆可以在户外开始封面or indoors incontainerssoon. Potatoes like full sun and fertile, well-drained soil. To prepare for outdoor potato planting, you’ll want to ready your garden plot by digging the site thoroughly and incorporating plenty of well-rotted organic matter and high-potash fertilizer. A slightly acidic soil is best but not essential; potatoes can thrive in a wide range of soils. If your soil is more alkaline, a light application of sulfur will help establish healthy plants.

Growing potatoes in containers



As important as the container, choose what type potato to grow. First and second early varieties are best for container growing, and harvest before most diseases can take hold. Salad potatoes, ‘Charlotte’, ‘Lady Christl,’ ‘Rocket,’ and nutty-flavored ‘Anya’ are great selections that do well both in and out of the ground.




Growing Potatoes Outdoors

Growing potatoes guide


Once your chitting process is complete, you’ll be ready to plant outdoors or in containers. Potatoes prefer fertile, loose, well-drained soil at a soil pH of 5.2-6.0.




A deep container是全年种土豆的理想选择,尤其是早期的马铃薯品种。通过添加一些材料,例如锅,破碎的砖或陶瓷,甚至聚苯乙烯,然后在您的容器中添加一些材料,然后填充约4英寸的土壤或中等。标准多功能盆栽土壤效果很好,但可能很昂贵。从您的花园中的土壤混合,盆栽混合物和堆肥将节省金钱并扩展您的资源。

Space your seed potatoes, with sprouts upright, evenly in the container. Cover with 4 inches more if soil mix, and begin to tend as you would outdoor potato plants. As the shoots grow, continue to add layers of potting medium to shield tubers from the sun.

Watering Potato Plants



Unless there’s plenty of rain, outdoor potatoes will need to be watered well while tubers are developing. An even amount of moisture is important. Too much water right after planting and not enough as the potatoes begin to form, can result in misshapen tubers. From the time when sprouts appear until several weeks after they blossom, the plants will need approximately 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Irrigate thoroughly when needed, allow the soil to dry out somewhat before watering again.



Potatoes are a healthy diet staple, in spite of current trends towards low-carb eating. They contain dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which support immunity, lower inflammation, and help maintain bones.

Potatoes are rich in iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. These aid in building and maintaining bone structure and strength. Iron and zinc also play crucial roles in the production and maturation of collagen.

Potassium, calcium, and magnesium are also found in potatoes. These are key to decreasing blood pressure. Potassium encourages vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessels. The potatoes’ significant fiber content helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin C and vitamin B6 content also help decrease the risk of heart disease.
Antioxidants, choline, and folate are also present in potatoes, and affect the body’s DNA repairing abilities, muscle movement, mood, learning, memory, and nerve impulse transmission.

How to Grow Sage


Fresh herbs year-round

Both of our suggestions for this week’s year-round growing plan are best not grown from seed. Sage can take over a year to establish from seed, so we instead suggest propagation by layering or cutting from a mother plant.


要从切割中生长出鼠尾草,请使用一个积极生长的分支。切开一块距尖端3至4英寸的一块,然后从叶子上剥离。将您的切割插入生长培养基,,,,and keep the cuttings moist. You’ll have established roots when your cuttings start to develop new leaves.





Health benefits of sage


Sage may reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. A3个月研究of diabetes patients with high cholesterol had the results of lower fasting glucose, lower average glucose levels, and lower total cholesterol, triglyceride, and levels of harmful cholesterol. However, the participants had increased levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol.

研究人员还对80名2型糖尿病控制不良的人进行了双盲临床试验。这项试验发现,鼠尾草对血糖水平产生了积极影响,并表明鼠尾草叶可能具有抗血糖和脂质 - 培养基改良作用。



Spring is coming soon! Now’s the time to stock up on supplies for spring and summer. Gothic Arch Greenhouses is ready to help, with ground cover, containers, shade cloth, irrigation, benching, and of course, greenhouses for growers of every sort. Give us a call today if we can help you get ready for this growing season, 1-800-531-4769. Happy growing!