
Greenhouses can be a beautiful and functional addition to your home, whether you want to grow lush flowers and foliage, delicious and organic produce; or maybe you just want an attractive entertainment space or beautiful pool enclosure. Greenhouses add value and appeal to your home, so it’s important to choose all the right features for your intended use as well as your budget.

One of the most important features of a greenhouse is the covering, also known as glazing. Choices in greenhouse coverings provide function and aesthetic appeal. Let’s discuss the various options briefly, and then in the following months, we will dive into the details of each covering choice.




Poly film is comprised of polyethylene/EVA copolymers with other materials and additives that provide important properties. Poly film is available in several quality grades as well. Costs are low because the greenhouse framing can be much lighter, making this choice one of the most budget-friendly. Although light transmission is comparable to glass, the life of the poly film is limited to degradation by sunlight and heat. Light transmission varies from about 77% to 91% depending on thickness, additives, and degradation. Poly film is a temporary choice and is typically warranted for about 4 years. It is mostly available in 4 and 6 mil thicknesses. Gothic Arch Greenhouses offers several different choices in the poly film depending on your need for light transmission, durability, and heat retention/loss.


聚碳酸酯是完美的轻量级,cost-effective glazing for your greenhouse. It is virtually unbreakable and features a surface treatment that provides resistance against degradation caused by sunlight and UV radiation. It typically comes in widths of 4’ and 6’. Polycarbonate is also much stronger than glass with greater impact resistance. It allows light transmission of about 80% and also has significant heat retaining properties. It is easy to transport and assemble in comparison to glass. Although polycarbonate can scratch and build up algae, dust, and condensation, you can keep it in near-perfect condition with regular cleanings. Polycarbonate is a great budget-conscious choice for greenhouses while still providing a nice clean aesthetic appeal.

Shade Cloth:



在这里,从技术上讲,昆虫屏幕并不是温室覆盖的,但是它们在每个现代温室中都非常重要。昆虫可以破坏您的温室生产工作,使屏幕成为必要。昆虫屏幕强,紫外线稳定,轻巧,易于安装,透明且易于清洁。正确安装,它们可以防止昆虫穿透,同时仍可提供最大可能的气流。筛选进气口将产生巨大的结果,但也应筛选所有温室开口。防浸屏幕选择通过孔尺寸或网格尺寸区分。您应该根据您所在地区普遍存在的昆虫选择网格尺寸。您想根据最小的讨厌昆虫来靶向网格尺寸的选择。网格百分比越高,昆虫阻止进入温室的越小。昆虫屏幕的额外奖励是一定程度的阴影。 The highest mesh percentages available can provide as much as 50% shade.

So now you have a complete overview of greenhouse coverings to help you make the best choice for your new greenhouse project or to add to an existing structure. Gothic Arch Greenhouses provides a full selection of glazing and coverings to fit every taste, function, and budget.